For many years, I’ve aspired to run a half-marathon and a full marathon. However, there was always something that got in the way: a significant family event, an injury, not enough training, the timing was wrong, an illness, and then there were the times when other activities took priority. Traveling to a foreign country or a cultural immersion program are two examples. A race cancelation due to a large wildfire was yet another roadblock.

So, in March of last year, I started a training program to build strength and endurance to run at least a half-marathon in 2024.  Every month I added something new: interval training, squats, longer runs, shorter sprints, and steeper hills. Three to four times a week, rain, or shine, I donned my Asics and set out on the trails or quiet roads in my community. In Melbourne, I ran the classic run around the Alexandra Gardens –known as the Tan Track. I am not a fast runner. Slow and steady is my motto.

Several days ago, on a beautiful warm sunny morning, I decided to run in an open space near my son’s home. Dressed in shorts and a light tank top I set out. Not too far. Not too fast. Just right, I thought. Enjoy the scenery. How often do I get a chance to run in Australia?

Invigorated, I started my jog with visions of that half-marathon I might run this year. I’d get better and stronger with each run, with each workout, with each day. Up the hill, I went. Breathing in for two. Breathing out for two. Around the bend and down a narrow trail I went, taking in the scenery. Wow, look at that termite hill!

Then my right ankle rolled outward, and I skidded onto my left side, scraping the skin on my shin. A jolt of pain shot through my body and for a few seconds I saw a few stars. I could hardly breathe and stayed on the ground until the nausea passed. What happened?

Gingerly I came to a seated position and noticed the tip of a rock protruding right in the middle of the trail. It was then I remembered the golden rule of trail running: Be prepared for what lies ahead. I brushed the dirt and leaves off my leg and limped back to my son’s house. After a shower, I examined my injury. The area around my ankle was swelling fast. Red-purple colors were quickly forming around the top and bottom of my foot. I wasn’t happy that I might’ve sprained my ankle.

That evening, my right foot continued to puff up and the next day, when the tenderness in my foot increased, I decided to seek medical help. This was not supposed to be a part of my Australia adventure!

Long story short, the X-ray showed that it was not a sprain. It was a fracture!

So, instead of a running life, I am practicing an ortho life, learning how to walk with a support brace and taking it way too easy for my liking as I watch my loved ones speedily do whatever they want and enjoy everything I thought I might enjoy too.

It’s easy to enjoy the passage of time when everything goes as planned. Not so much when you take a hard fall. A river cuts through a rock not because of its power but because of its persistence.

Enjoy the Passage of Time everyone and appreciate the simple art of walking. I wish I could be there with you.

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it. Moliere


© 2024. Sharon Kreider. All Rights Reserved

3 thoughts on “Ortho Life

  1. So sorry to hear about your foot. Dang, just when you were prepared to run your race.

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