Writer - Author - Poet
Writer - Author - Poet

About Sharon Kreider

Bestselling author Sharon Kreider, a former mental health therapist turned writer, weaves the emotional and psychological fabric of the human condition into her writing and prose to help shed light on many relevant issues facing society today –its conflicts, its tragedies, and windows of hope.

Born and raised in a small northern Canadian town, she left home at an early age to travel the world, and eventually settled in Colorado where she penned her first book, Sylvie: a women’s fiction novel examining a family’s love for one another, acceptance, and letting go. The siren call of the Pacific Northwest lured her to a new writing home on several acres of wild, natural land to live a quieter life with her husband.

Sharon’s second book, Wandering … a long way past the pastis a remarkable travel memoir; an exceptional account of courage, love, overcoming adversity, and forgiveness, spanning her three-year solo adventure from Canada to Asia in the late 1970s.

Her next book, Silver Tip, will be available in the Fall of
2024 –a collection of thought-provoking poems capturing the celebration of being alive, the tenderness of love, and the beauty of the natural world. 

When Sharon is not writing, you can find her hiking the hills or kayaking the lake near her home in summer, cross-country skiing in winter, and as a long-time yoga instructor, teaching a yoga class from time to time.

Stories from the Heart​

The Meaning of Success

If I accept the Oxford-Webster definition of success, which is “achieving wealth, respect, or fame”, then I can count the successes or the near successes in my life on one hand. In high school, I won my school’s public speaking contest. I proudly wore the first-place ribbon on my sweater throughout the evening after I announced to my family at

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Cell Phones

Not long ago, I spent an overnight at a swanky hotel in the city. Does anyone use the term swanky anymore? Anyway, it was a nice place. The rooms overlooked the harbor. A fluffy robe and towel were provided for the spa, the swimming pool, or the hot tub. Since I had some time before my dinner engagement, I decided

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The Old Man in the Corner

It was a last-minute decision to grab a coffee at one of my favorite coffee shops. I parked and walked briskly inside. Oh, no! There were 10 people in line with probably the same thought I had. While waiting my turn, with the person in front of me ordering six drinks for her pals back at the office no less,

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