Writer - Author - Poet
Writer - Author - Poet

Never Give Up

In 2010, I attended a writers’ conference that hosted a wide variety of classes, clinics, and talks. One of the seminars I selected was for a group luncheon with about eight agents and a few well-known editors; each sharing knowledge and recent information about the publishing world. They took turns speaking about a particular issue: self-publishing versus traditional publishing, queries, new author blunders, social media, and book marketing. I listened attentively and wrote things down I deemed most beneficial. Then the last speaker stood up.

She paused for a moment to look around the room. “Of all the guidance you will receive this weekend, I think the very best counsel is…” She cleared her throat and yelled, “Never Give Up!!”

Everyone laughed. Then we stood and clapped, shouting in unison, “Never Give Up!” I wrote those words in big bold letters in my notebook because the one thing I have always wanted to do was publish my memoir.

I wrote and wrote and wrote. Joined a professional writing critique group. Worked with skilled editors. Took classes. Researched. Cried. Shredded chapters. Met with agents. Queried. Cried some more. Wrote every day. Many times, I just wanted to throw in the towel. But those three little words kept rolling around in my head so I kept on writing; feeling a bit like the little engine that could (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…)

So, at long last, after writing Sylvie and short stories and poems, my memoir, Wandering …a long way past the past, will be published and out later this summer. And this sometimes-clumsy writer will have finally accomplished a life dream. Never give up on yours.

How did you find solace this week?


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