Snow fell almost every day for two weeks, creating snow piles up to my thigh in places. I did get several chances to ski right off my front porch and snowshoed even more. Then, the temperature rose and it started to rain, all day and all night. By the next morning, temps plummeted and everything, and I mean everything, was covered in a sheet of ice. Ice on top of the snow. Ice on the driveway. A virtual skating rink on the roadways. We stayed at home for four days. Yesterday, I almost made it to the mailbox.

I know it will either warm again and melt the ice, or snow again to blanket the landscape with fresh powder, enough to drive and ski and snowshoe once more.


One thing is certain, nothing stays the same. Forecast for clear skies might turn into cloudy days. This winter might continue with lots of good snow and cold nights followed by a rainy spring and hopefully, a warm, not superhot, summer. My good health might change for the worse as the seasons turn. Scarce grocery items might become more plentiful in a few months. Closed restaurants might reopen with new owners and a fresh menu.

There is comfort in knowing all things must pass. But it’s also hard sometimes … that knowing.


I know you are right

when you say

that nothing lasts forever.

Everything changing, shifting.

Sometimes morphing

into something unrecognizable,

like my face in the mirror.

I know you are right

when you say

we never know our time.

But I like to think we might,


snowshoe our way into the night

side by side.

Find that spot deep in the woods

and sit quiet

under an ancient cedar.

Counting our breaths

in tandem

until darkness arrives.

How did you find solace this week?


© 2022. Sharon Kreider. All Rights Reserved

4 thoughts on “Change

  1. I think it takes a while to realise that life is change – you think life will be better or less challenging next year and it never is – those changes come whether you like it or not! Not just the negative ones of course, change is positive too, but I don’t know that I could ever be as detached as those monks….

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